Monday, February 15, 2010

Creating Two Table for Number Given By User

Program code for Creating Two Table for Two number Given By User:


10 Input " Enter 1st Number for the Table: ", A
20 Input  Enter 2nd Number: ", B
30 For I =1 To 10 
40 Print A " * " I " =  " A*I TAB(20) B " * " I " =  " B*I
50 Next I
60 END 
(assume that given numbers are 3 and 4 for output)

3*1=3                            4*1=4
3*2=6                            4*2=8
3*3=9                            4*3=12
3*4=12                          4*4=16
3*5=15                          4*5=20
3*6=18                          4*6=24
3*7=21                          4*7=28
3*8=24                          4*8=32
3*9=27                          4*9=36
3*10=30                        4*10=40


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